Sabato 30 novembre Stefano Cipani, lo straordinario regista del pregevole film "Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri", ha trascorso una mattinata in compagnia degli alunni del nostro liceo. Tante le domande rivolte dai nostri ragazzi allo strepitoso ospite, il quale ha interagito con generosità e incontenibile simpatia con la platea presente nella sala uno del Supercinema di Latina. Ecco uno dei commenti degli studenti della nostra scuola, scritto in inglese:
Honestly my past Saturday experience was quite interesting. I went to the movies with my classmates watching Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri . The film was pretty hilarious but with a deep meaning. I laughed a lot because almost everything was so ironical! We even met Stefano Cipani, the director of the film, who talked a lot with us. I asked him if he had ever wanted to be a porn star and he aswered very self-deprecatingly, without embarrassment. Stefano is a really interesting dude, he used to street skate and to watch horror and splatter movies, just like me ... crazy! He even watches South Park, which is a screwball TV cartoon that I like. I was literally going nuts!" Edoardo Calisi 3B (indirizzo Design)
Cosa aggiungere? Ci auguriamo di poter vivere molti altri momenti così intensi che possano ispirare i nostri giovani artisti.